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2015下外研版一年级英语课文Where’s my pen教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-12-16 11:48:34

在当今这个学习英语风潮盛行的社会,英语似乎已经成为了我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,在英语的教育上,难度也在不断的提高,下面给大家带来2015下外研版一年级英语课文Where’s my pen教案,大家看一看。


1. Enable the students read and understand “in, on, under”

2. Let students can use the words to make the sentences.

3. To finish some exercises.


English book


tape cards computer some cards with price


1. How to use “in , on, under” to make sentences

2. To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

3. How to make dialogues and act them out.

板书设计 Module10 Unit1 Where’s my pen?

in, on, under


基本环节及意图 学生活动设计 教师活动设计 调整措施

一、Warming up and Revision



1. Say all together.

2. Say the sentence two by two.


Learn the game and

“in ,on, under”

1. Listen to the tape.

2. Listen and repeat.

3. Answer the questions asked by teacher.

一、Warming up and Revision

1. Sing a song :Happy Birthday

2. Review the sentences and dialogue

二、 Leading-in

Have you seen a game, which is about “Where’s my pen?” Today we are going to play this game.

Listening and reading Activities

1. Play the tape.

Play the tape.

Answer teacher’s questions like where my

pen is?

教学过程基本环节及意图 学生活动设计 教师活动设计 调整措施

三、Further Development

四、 Practice

五、 Homework


1. Act the dialogues out like a game in pairs.

2. Students do play the game and began to have a competition


Do the exercises.

三、 Further Development

1. Act it out like a game

One student puts a book on the desk and asks “Where is my book?” The other one answer it.

The change the objects and ask and answer.

2. Play games.

Divide all the students into two pairs.

Guess “where is the ball/pencil/eraser/book/ruler/


(3)To bring a competition to the class.

四、 Practice

Listen and match

Do and say

五、 Homework:Act the drama in pairs.

以上就是我们学大教育给大家带来的2015下外研版一年级英语课文Where’s my pen教案,英语越来越重要,老师和学生都要不断重视英语的学习。

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